Take On The $1k Income Challenge
We are on a mission to guide & support 1 Million young
people across Africa to a 1k per month income.
Applications are now open
Apply HereWe are on a mission to guide & support 1 Million young
people across Africa to a 1k per month income.
Applications are now open
Apply HereIt's not about what you know, it's all about what you do with what you know. Discover & apply new ways to turn your knowledge into income in the modern-day gold rush. (the internet)
Our lives tend to follow the direction of our conversations & associations. Want to change your life? Change the conversations you're having with others. More *IMPORTANTLY* with yourself!
Integrity and honesty is the new global currency. In a time of universal deceit telling the truth and sticking to your promises is a revolutionary act and positions you high above the rest.
What contribution to the world are you sitting on? Someone out there needs you to achieve your dream so that they can achieve theirs.
It's time to change your world and grow beyond
We are on a mission to guide & support 1 Million young people across Africa to a 1k per month income within 1 year of starting the programme. We believe that the skills, maturity and dedication of the African youth population is now at a stage where they can apply their knowledge in a way that will see them rise up and etch out a new African narrative
As we embark on this hairy audacious goal to change the African Narrative and propel our generation across the continent to the next part of its amazing story, I am excited to have the support of some of the continent’s greatest minds on board. Get in-touch (via linkedin) and become part of the greatest paradigm shift of our generation!